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Smart Wire

Smart Wiring

Smart Wire Packages Perth

Are you thinking about installing Smart Wiring?

VG Techs provide high quality Smart Wiring services. With a Smart Wiring system are installers can connect every device in your house with cat6 cabling to a centralised hub. This enables a super-fast connection speed and also will future proof your home.

  • Connect every device in your house
  • Faster connection speeds
  • Reduce the amount of wireless connections
  • Future proof your home

Yes, please contact me about a quote, we will confirm the booking date and time.

What is Smart Wiring?

Smart Wiring allows the combination of the various different type of wires that are used within a home or business into a more easy to manage single platform. By using this platform it then because possible to integrate many different smart home systems and sensors throughout the property.

The Smart Wiring system uses a neat, logical and standardised system that allows easy accessibility to your wiring and additionally easy expandability when required. 

One example of where this can be useful is where you don’t currently want a paid service for your TV in your home but want to leave the possibility open. Using Smart Wiring will enable you to have the required wiring already installed to allow for the service to be easily enabled, without expensive retrofits.

Along with allowing greater flexibility, Smart Wiring allows you to be better prepared for future systems such as the NBN.

What are some of the devices that benefit from Smart Wiring?

Many types of devices can benefit from Smart Wiring, some of which include:

  • Smart TVs
  • Computers
  • Media Centers
  • Game Consoles
  • Fridges
  • and many more…

When constructing a new home it is highly recommend to go with Smart Wiring as it is often easier to install rather than installing into an established home. Contact us today to see what package is best for you

Smart Wire Packages

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